Climates of Inequality: Stories of Environmental Justice

climates of inequality poster

Climates of Inequality: Stories of Environmental Justice is a multi-media traveling exhibition and digital platform created by the Humanities Action Lab, a coalition of students, educators, and community leaders in over 22 cities across the US and around the world.  Each display within the exhibition was created by students who engaged a local community organization in their city to learn about an environmental issue affecting people’s health and livelihood.  Students researched the historical roots of the issue and strategies developed by the communities to resist damaging practices, to protect themselves from harm, and to transition from extractive environments to generative ones.

FIU contributed a display created by an interdisciplinary class of students that engaged WeCount! a local group of agricultural workers, which advocates for better working conditions in the face of pesticide exposure and increasing heat stress from climate change.  Students interviewed agricultural workers from Mexico and Central America to ask about their experience growing up, their migration to Florida, and the conditions of their current work.  Booklets with text and drawings created by the students are displayed and are used by WeCount! spread their message.

FIU hosted Climates of Inequality in the lobby of the main campus library where students saw it as part of their day. FIU also hosted three events: a panel discussion, “Withstanding the Heat,” on heat stress suffered by outdoor workers, a workshop on teaching with oral history by Ricia Chansky, University of Puerto Rico Mayaguez, and a screening and discussion of “Paper Children” with the director, Alexandra Codina.